September 28, 2023

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Discipleship Response

His Treasurer

Matthew 6:20-21

Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

• God himself is my only master, whom I serve in the name of Jesus Christ. All other would-be masters are usurpers to be forcefully submitted to God, including money.

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Pondering Point

There is a warning in these verses to be careful about what we treasure. Such treasures capture our hearts, which can be good or bad depending on what you end up treasuring. This teaching draws our attention to the concept of treasures in Heaven. Many Bible readers consider these heavenly treasures Jesus speaks of to be people. As we invest in people for the sake of the kingdom, the Holy Spirit uses us to draw them to God (who treasures them ). When anyone becomes a believer in Jesus, our fellowship with God expands not just here on earth but even more so in Heaven. Let that be an encouragement to invest in people to store up treasures in Heaven – treasures of God.

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Do you view people as treasures? Which ones? Do you view all people as being treasured by God? What does your heart treasure? What/who are you investing in? Why?

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Repent if Necessary

Repent of de-valuing what God treasures? Of letting your heart become captured by lesser treasures that end up dethroning God from being central in your life.

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Return as Necessary

Remove usurpers from the throne of your heart (particularly money). Be honest. Name them. Forcefully submit each one by name to the service of God.

Lastly resubmit yourself to Him in heart, soul, body and mind. An example is below.

Prayer for the Day

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Father God, I recognize that I have allowed __________ and __________ to capture my heart
(i.e. money, material possessions, prestige, power). Forgive me for the sake of Jesus who died for my sins. I submit __________ and __________ to Your service as part of my commitment to live for You. I also re-submit myself to live solely for You and agree to invest my life and earthly treasures to build up treasures in heaven. Lead me and strengthen my resolve to do so in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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