September 21, 2023

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Discipleship Response

His Citizen / Ambassador

2 Corinthians 5:20

We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.
~ The Apostle Paul

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Pondering Point

As citizens of Christ's kingdom, we are called to be ambassadors in this 'foreign land' as we live among those yet to accept God's gift of citizenship in His kingdom. Yes, some people are hostile and want nothing to do with our message (really His message); their rejection of us is a rejection of Him. But others react favorably when they experience the true God, His Son Jesus, and His gracious Holy Spirit. These people are turned to God (a form of repentance) and desire to join His kingdom (a sign of faith). Hopefully you have already turned to God, benefitted from His work of reconciliation, and followed up on the desire to join His kingdom. Let’s review God’s work in Jesus.

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God wants to reconcile people to Himself through the message of the Gospel. On Christ’s behalf He wants Jesus’ followers to bring that message to the world.

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Repent if Necessary

Repent is to change direction. Do so by turning to God: First, as a who has been reconciled to God by Jesus and second, as one who call others to turn toward God.

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Return as Necessary

Return every day back to God to set your spiritual compass as both a recipient of God’s message of love and as an ambassador of that message as well.

Prayer for the Day

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Lord Jesus, thank You for bringing me into a state of reconciliation with my heavenly Father. Use me (us!) and Your Word to bring Your kingdom to fruition, Your kingship in the hearts of those yet to know You as Lord. I will go for You. Amen.

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