October 5, 2023

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Discipleship Response

His Followers

1 Peter 1:15

But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do. 

• Through Christ, God is working in me to will and act to fulfill His good purpose.

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Pondering Point

God calls us to be holy in all that we do. in preparation to review our use of time in ways that honor God (a form of holiness), let’s start with a prayer. After that we will borrow from step 4 of the Alcoholics Anonymous program, turning our attention to a “fearless inventory” of our situation.

Prayer for the Day

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Father God, bless my time, the use of my time to be holy ("set apart") in Your sight. I want to set apart time to be with You, to serve You, to love people on Your behalf, to rest in You, to reach out for You, to grow in Your word, to share Your word. With so many options, please let Your Holy Spirit grant me wisdom to discern when to stop and start such opportunities. I want my time to be Your time and I want You to be honored all my days. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. 

Okay. With that prayer now shared, let’s review:

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Am I working with God or against Him while He looks to fulfill His good purposes through me? Do I consider “my” time to be at God’s disposal? Am I willing to evaluate my use of time and adjust as God pushes me to do so?

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Repent if Necessary

Repent if necessary of acting as if your time is your own and not God’s. Repent of any unholy use of time. Be specific about when and how. If you are unsure if it is ungodly use of time, consult other discerning Christians.

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Return as Necessary

Sit with God and confess to Him (confess means to ‘agree with’) that your time is first and foremost His. Agree that your management of your life and time is to reflect His wishes, His holy and perfect will. To live this way would cause you to live like Jesus, otherwise known as discipleship in action.

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