April 14, 2024

Call to Gather, Pray and Worship God

2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

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May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word. 

There are words to be said, deeds to be done. Pray that God blesses your words to be good and deeds to be blameless. Mentally walk through your day today (or tomorrow) seeking strength and encouragement to do good in all that you will say and do.

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Skill 3: Form Bonds for Two:
Synchronize Attachments

When we can share a mutual state of mind that brings us closer and lets us move independently as well. We are both satisfied.

“The apostle Paul not only tirelessly traveled on his missionary journeys teaching, preaching and planting churches, he invested in and mentored individuals. Paul spent much time discipling Timothy and others in order to “duplicate himself” and on several occasions Paul tells the Corinthians to “imitate” him (1 Corinthians 4:6) and “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” (1 Corinthians 11:1) Paul understood the value of investing in others and using his example to further his message.
p. 72 Transforming Fellowship, Coursey

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Skill 3: Exercise:
Building Bonds for Two

Bonds are formed when two people build joy and rest. Ideally, our first 2-way bond is with our mother or primary care giver.

Write a meaningful moment you enjoyed with another person when you felt the “glad to be with you” feeling. Use the questions below to guide your story, then take turns telling your stories in under 2 minutes each.

> Who is the person, and what is the specific memory? What did you do that expressed, “I'm glad to be with you!” and what did the other person do to express it? What words capture how this felt for you in your emotions and in your body.

> Emotion words: content, glad, playful, calm, cozy, safe, delighted, proud, excited, peaceful, grateful, trusting.

> Body words: Relaxed, smiling, energized, no tension, open, light, and any words that specifically describe what you experienced in your body.

> Example: I (Amy) love to spend time with my friend, Glenda. One day Glenda and I had a milkshake together at a nearby park. We sat across from each other and shared stories about our families. We laughed a lot, smiled, made eye contact, and sometimes reached out to touch one another's arm as we talked. I felt warm and relaxed in my body, and I felt connected, peaceful, and grateful for such a good friend.
p. 25, Relational Skills in the Bible, Amy Brown, Chris Coursey

Journal Prompt:  

Write a meaningful moment you enjoyed with another person when you felt the “glad to be with you” feeling.  

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