April 11, 2024

Prayerfully Re-Center around God

1 Chronicles 4:10

Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your
hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free
from pain.

Pondering Point

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This prayer got a lot of run a few years back, with an entire book written about it. Maybe you have prayed part of it yourself. It is a great thought to ask God to guide and expand your sphere of influence. Think about where your spheres of influence are. How could God use them for his glory?

It is interesting to note that the meaning of Jabez’ name is “pain.” He seems to be praying that his name does not become his destiny. Names in Old Testament times were often connected to family history, personal struggles, or life situations of the time. Jabez appears to be asking that God be the One to shape his destiny rather than someone or something else, especially the idea that he is linked with the notion of pain. We can often let people and situations shape our view or outlook on life. In light of that idea, let’s re-center around God.

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Review Your Week

Have I let other people's views of me shape my identity or determine my attitude toward my life and its direction? Am I letting God be the primary determiner of who I am and how I live and serve?

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Repent if Necessary

What might repentance look like here? It could be admitting that we have let someone other than God define us and set the direction of our lives. We also may need to forgive others for pushing agendas on us that are not aligned with what God desires for us as His children. Consider repenting of not forgiving others who have hurt you over the years, talked poorly to you, and/or left you injured in some way.

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Return (as necessary)

Return as necessary in the form of a prayer. 

Father God, You have restored me from unholy to holy, from unrighteous to righteous, from imperfect to perfect in Your eyes. You also restore me from broken to unbroken; You make me whole. Help me accept Your gift of wholeness and live under Your vision of me as holy, righteous –‘whole’ through Jesus my Lord.

Now close with a prayer specifically built from that from Jabez, whose request was granted by God:

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Lord God of all, oh that You would bless me indeed and enlarge my territory of influence! Let Your hand be with me, and keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain.” Amen.

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