July 19, 2024

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Friday's Bit of Discipleship

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The truly humble person, the person who stands in awe before God, will make it through the tests of suffering and be stronger on the other side. He may struggle and wrestle with God, but ultimately, he will come back to God in full surrender like Job did: Then Job replied to the Lord: "I know that you can do all things: no plan of yours can be thwarted. You asked, 'who is this that obscures my counsel without knowledge?' Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know." Job 42:1-3
p.126, The Prideful Soul’s Guide to Humility, Fontenot/Jones

Humility Prayer

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Father God, I desire deliverance from suffering. But when I have go through suffering, help me stay humble in the midst of it. While I seek to understand, help me to stay surrendered to You even when I lack understanding, even gaining your promised peace that goes beyond understanding. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Discipleship Point

Being made in God's Image

What is humanity? God, the self-existent Creator, called the world into being through his infinite creativity and power. The peak of God's creative work was humankind, male and female, made exclusively in His image. (Disc. Essentials, Ogden, p. 72).


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Father God, while all of humanity bears Your image in some fashion, I want to bear it in as many ways as possible. Help me become more godly with my own creative abilities, reflecting Your heart and kindness, Your grace and mercy, Your goodness and compassion. In Jesus I pray. Amen.

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