July 12, 2024

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Friday's Bit of Discipleship

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Whether we are up or whether we are down, the enemy has a plan to get us to rely on our own thinking, to blame someone else for our defeat and to take all the credit for the victories. A man is tested by the praise he receives, and he is tested by the losses he experiences. If we keep our eyes focused on God, we can stay humble when we lose and when we win.
p.142, Prideful Soul’s Guide to Humility, Fontenot/Jones.

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Humility Prayer

Father God, as I go through ups and downs in life, enable me to keep my eyes focused on You, staying humble in defeat and victory, through every trial and temptation. Amen.

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Discipleship Point

On Justice:

How is sacrificial love expressed among those broken by the world? When love intersects broken lives, Christ's disciples are called to stand for justice. Biblical justice means lifting the bonds of oppression, identifying with the cause of the poor and meeting the needs of the downtrodden. (Discipleship Essentials, Ogden, p. 155)


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Lord Jesus, while our government debates politically over such issues of justice, You call us to practice justice in our daily lives with whomever we meet, broken or not. Show our spirits how to identify with and help the poor and downtrodden. Help us to see You in them and them in You. Amen.

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