September 7, 2023

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Discipleship Response

His Love

Matthew 22:39

And the second (greatest command) is like it:  ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

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Pondering Point

Compelled by Christ's love for people (yesterday’s devotion focus) let's make a motion to "second" our love for God with love for our fellow man! All in favor say "aye"! Did someone just hear the Lord say "aye"? You know He did – even if you didn’t hear it. Let’s revisit our motivation to

  • love our neighbors as we love ourselves, and to
  • love our neighbors as we Christ Jesus loves our neighbors
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Do you believe God loves all people? Do you believe God can enable you to love people whom, without His help, you would not be able to extend love? Do you believe Christ’s love for people can operate in/through you?

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Repent if Necessary

Repent of withholding love from certain people; of not letting Christ Jesus (who lives in you) love people through you; of making agreements that you will
never be able to love certain people.

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Return as Necessary

Go to the God of love and ask for directions on how to make withdrawals from your God-given deposit of love for people. Thank Jesus for His love toward for you and for His love in you. Ask for wisdom to learn what loving your neighbor looks like in your situation.

Prayer for the Day

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O Father God, let me become more like Christ Jesus, able to love people as He loved people – in a kind, deep, sympathetic and sacrificial way. In His name I pray. Amen.

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