September 6, 2023

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of Joy

2 Corinthians 5:14

For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.
~ Apostle Paul

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Pondering Point

Where is
Christ’s love
leading you?

The love of Jesus – i.e. Christ’s love for people – is what led Him to die for sin. That love of Christ is what compelled the Apostle Paul to carry that message to the world of his time – to Gentiles as well as Jews.

Our love for Christ (in appreciation for His sacrifice, His kindness, His grace) should result in some compulsion to live for God, but the real motivator is Jesus’ love for people. To have the love of Christ for people in you is to have a love for people whether they are in Christ or not. It led Christ to the cross where He took on death and rose in victory; it led Paul to a world full of danger and near-death experiences.

Despite lives filled with suffering, Jesus, Paul and many others experienced joy in the Lord because they were driven by a love for people that directed their paths. I hope that you get to experience that joy which comes from letting the love of Christ compel you, even if it involves suffering in the name of God. In fact, suffering week is one of the things Christians should be known for.

Prayer for the Day

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Jesus Christ, thank You for Your love towards me, a love that compelled You to sacrifice Your life on the cross bringing forgiveness to this world including me. I pray that this love for people wells up in me through words and actions. For I am convinced that You died for all and that through You all people have all died to sin and can live free. Thank You for such grace and freedom. In Your name I pray and live. Amen.

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