June 7, 2023

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of Joy

Luke 19:5

Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.
~ Jesus

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Pondering Point

On Wednesdays we always celebrate something about being HIS. This week we celebrate that we are His host.

Zacchaeus hosted Jesus and saw his life changed; we too host Jesus, not just in our homes, but in our hearts also. How is He inspiring change in your life? Don't drift past this question; pause and ask Him what impact He is (should be) having. 

Journal Prompt:  

  • How is He inspiring change in your life?
  • What impact is He having?
  • What impact should He be having?
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Prayer for the Day

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Lord Jesus, I am Your host in this temple of my body. May I also host You in the midst of my home, within my relationships and in the center of my life choices.
In Your name Jesus I pray. Amen.

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