Wellspring of Joy
2 Corinthians 4:6
For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.

Pondering Point
Years ago I was introduced to a very simple but valuable prayer: Let there be light (thank you Wild at Heart Ministries). During times of confusion… Let there be light. Amid times of spiritual darkness… Let there be light. While under significant stress… Let there be light. In times of temptation… Let there be light. Where are you hoping for God’s enlightenment? It has widespread application and would likely serve you well also.
Prayer for the Day

Lord God, let there be light. Specifically let there be light in these situations… list them to God now. Let Your light shine deeply and brightly into my heart and mind that that I may know You and Your ways better and better by the day. Let Your light make its way into my life through Your Word, through Your Spirit, and through those I encounter and talk with. As You and Your glory were displayed in the face of Christ, so be displayed in my face and attitude and actions as well. Amen.