God's Gospel Truths
John 15:26-27
“When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me. And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning.
~ Jesus

Pondering Point
Today's reading is so helpful when connected with yesterday's call to go into our world for Jesus. The original disciples are promised that the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, will be testifying about Jesus also – and He'll be doing it through them!
Do you think the Holy Spirit is still the Advocate? Is He still speaking through His disciples? Of course He is – and are you not one of those disciples of today?
Prayer for the Day

Father God, thank You for Your Spirit of truth in my life. May He find an acceptable home in me. Let me learn to receive His testimony of Jesus as Lord and to share my testimony of the same. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.