Discipleship Response
Isaiah 6:8
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”
And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”
He said “Go…”
~ Isaiah

Pondering Point
Do you believe that God is still looking for people to “go” for Him – to be sent on His behalf? Of course He is! The question is more so, “Where is He sending you?”
Remember that as He sends people like you, He is already there ahead of you – waiting for you to come work with Him. Let’s review our response to our God and His call:

Do you believe God wants to use you personally? Do you believe God is sending you specifically out into this world? Are you willing to respond to God, like Isaiah did, with "Here am I. Send me!"?

Repent if Necessary
Do you need to repent of ignoring your call to go from God? Do you need to repent of not following through on a previous commitment to go for God? Do you need to repent of simply getting off track or distracted by other things?

Return as Necessary
As a prayer prompt for today, thank God for His love toward you and your fellow men and women. Thank Him for His patience, kindness and forgiveness over the years. Recommit to be available to God as a "sent one" in Jesus’ name.
Prayer for the Day

[Insert your own prayer about today's devotion.]

See a presentaton from The BibleProject: Romans explains how faith in Jesus justifies all people and creates a unified, multiethnic family and a path to righteousness.