November 26, 2022

Called to Gather, Pray, and Worship

Blessed to be a Blessing

I am Blessed to be a Blessing

2 Corinthians 9:11

…your generosity
will result in thanksgiving to God.
~ Apostle Paul

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Pondering Point

This raises an interesting thought as we conclude our Sunday reviews of various blessings in the bible: Who is thanking God for you and for your generosity? While we aren’t taught to give in order to receive from others, its good to know people are thankful to God for blessings drawn from others,

Prayer Prompt for the Day

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Father God, like a conduit for blessings, let us funnel your love with generosity. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

My Gratitude Journal

The Making Space For Jesus Campaign

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What is the 
Gratitude Journal?
Click here to learn
about this new

When Hope was in partnership with Orlando Lutheran Academy’s school, we had serious talks of combining resources to enhance ministry. Our property was appraised in preparation to sell and bring a worshiping community to the school campus on Econ Trail.

Though we had begun raising funds previously to revamp our Dean Road campus, we re-aligned our focus.

Unfortunate circumstances led to the school closing; that opportunity evaporated. Back to focusing on Dean Road. Our Making Space For Jesus campaign left us with enough money to upgrade what we had, not build a new facility.

We decided to “Make Space for Jesus” by replacing the pews with chairs to make room for events like Vacation Bible School and social functions. While sacrificing the “church feel” of pews, we added the stained glass windows to the east wall and re-shape-able altar steps for different looks. In fact, nearly all the wood trim that you see in the sanctuary is formerly pew wood, thanks to the skilled labor of Jim Dorman.

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