November 21, 2022

God’s Mission in Jesus

1 Corinthians 15:57

Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
~ Apostle Paul

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Pondering Point

Victory or defeat are often associated with games – and serve as great building blocks for life lessons. In war, these ideas carry much deeper and harsher impact, both for victors and victims. Even more so, the concepts of victory and defeat carry great weight with our souls. Being victimized by our sin is a terrible, soul-destroying notion. But in Christ becoming the victim who dies for our sins, we are given victory over sin and a blessed (rather than cursed) relationship with God.

Prayer for the Day

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Father God, lead me to a deep and humble appreciation of Jesus’ victory over my sin – a costly victory to be sure. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

My Gratitude Journal

Prayer ministry moment:
Jacksonville Road Trips

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Gratitude Journal?
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Among hundreds if not thousands of prayer ministry moments, the Jacksonville Road Trips stand out.

UCF student Catherine had joined our prayer ministry, likely because her father was involved with one up in Jacksonville. Intrigued by her stories and at her father’s invite, prayer teammates Ruth, Fenna, Emile and I hit the road to check out a different prayer ministry – and who knows, maybe more. Each of us felt blessed by that first trip, being immersed with a dozen or so others gathered to pray over a two-hour time frame.

For my part there was trepidation over not fitting in, being viewed as a fraudulent pray-er, or not sensing God at all. All those fears proved unfounded. God showed up in a big way; the local group acknowledged our presence through unique prayers, insights and visions. We felt right at home.

The trip home felt only minutes long. Our conversation never dwindled. It led to a second trip when we added new opportunities – and people – as we looked to expand our understanding of how Hope’s prayer ministry could function.

Those trips left imprints that still last today!

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