February 10, 2022

Discipleship Point and Prayer

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Discipling relationships, then, are relationships in which we are helping each other to be disciples of Jesus - relationships in which we encourage, correct, inspire and challenge each other to take all our gifts and abilities and fully use them to advance the mission of Jesus in this world. In a discipling relationship one person allows another person to help him or her to become more and more like Jesus Christ. Such relationships have no chance of working without humility.

p.86, Prideful Soul’s Guide to Humility, Fontenot/Jones

Ask yourself (and answer) these questions, read the discipleship point about trusting God and then offer up the prayer that follows.

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  1. Who is helping you to be a disciple of Jesus?
    Your Answer: 

  2. Who are you helping to be a disciple of Jesus? 
    Your Answer: 

  3. How are you letting God Himself disciple you? 
    Your Answer: 

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Proverb for the Week

Proverbs 27:17

As iron sharpens iron,
     so one person sharpens another.

Have you memorized the proverb yet?

• Can you see how today’s humility theme of discipleship is tied up in iron-sharpening-iron relationships?

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Discipleship Point


It’s time that God’s Mission, often referred to as the Missio Dei, plays more than an adjunct or supporting role in the theology and practice of our Christian churches.

The Missio Dei needs to stand at the heart and center of who we are as Christians and what we confess as God’s true word or message to the world. As that center, the Missio Dei rightly serves as the principle lens (hermeneutic) through which we read the Scriptures and apply its message to ourselves and our world. In short, the Missio Dei determines the substance and shape of our being and purpose as a Christian church and our biblical confession to the world.

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Discipleship Prayer

Father God, I pray that Your Mission stands at the heart and center of my life, my family’s life, my local church’s life – and in the life of Your church at large. May we all be shaped by Your Word and Spirit. Amen.