January 27, 2022

Discipleship Point and Prayer

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“This may be shocking to some, but our non-Christian relatives (or friends) sometimes see things in us that we need to hear. Humility before them means that we are willing to listen. At the same time, it does not mean we do not speak. It just means we speak gently, and we do it without self-righteousness. It means we do it humbly, praying to God for their hearts to change, not trying to force them to change.’”

p.62, The Prideful Soul’s Guide to Humility, Fontenot/Jones

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Humility Prayer

Oh Father God, help me be slow to speak and quick to listen. Let me listen well, as if you want to teach me something. When I do speak, let it be gently and devoid of self-righteousness. Let me cease trying to change people, something better left to you. Instead lead me to pray for them, encourage them, and share your love and grace abundantly with them. Amen.

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Discipleship Point

What is the Importance of CHRIST-CENTERED LEADERSHIP in the embracing of and participating in the MISSIO DEI?

Today we focus on bullets 1-3 from pages 282-283.

To equip, restore, perfect, or repair (καταρτισμός or katartismŏs) God’s people for participating in His mission, strong leadership in Christ is required. This leadership flows from a saving faith in Christ and is driven by Christ’s love for the world. Missio Dei leaders are in relationship with Christ, lead by Christ’s example, communicate Christ’s power and willingly go in the direction Christ points. Factors essential to Christ leadership include but are not limited to:

  • Self-awareness (knowing who and whose you are, your strengths and weaknesses, possessing a defined reality (a sense for what is real)
  • Generative (creating, creative, originating, producing, procreating, incarnational)
  • Transitional (adapting, adjusting, movement or passage; developing with καταρτισμός [katartismŏs] – mending, repairing, restoring, equipping, perfecting, completing)

Such Christ-leadership is dynamic! Like a flowing stream, it is always living, moving, carrying, refreshing, changing, generating. It is always in transition and always transforming, moving God’s people from “here” to “there.” The there is the being immersed in the Missio Dei, receiving and participating in Christ’s apostolic authority.

See the following Scriptures in your bible or on pp. 282-284 of The Great Sending book: John 7:38, John 10:1-16, Psalm 23:1-6, Hebrews 13:17, Ephesians 4:12-16, Hebrews 13:20-21.

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Discipleship Prayer

Father God, I pray for CHRIST-CENTERED LEADERSHIP to be established in my local church, in my church body, and in Your church body operating under Jesus’ leadership across the world. May His love for the world – us included – compel us follow His example in ways that lead to dynamic, transforming mission lives. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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Proverb for the Week

Proverbs 15:14

rebuke mockers… and what happens?
rebuke the wise… and what happens?

Click here to learn the proverb (if you missed it this week) or to review the proverb.

If you haven’t asked yourself this question yet about this proverb, ask it now: How do you react to being rebuked?

If you care to know, ask a few close friends to give you their perspective on how you take criticism. Then receive their words… wisely.