November 17, 2020

Wellspring of Joy

John 8:36

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
~ Jesus

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Pondering Point

These words come after Jesus says we are slaves because of our sin. We might perceive ourselves as free, but in reality we are all enslaved because of our sin. The way to freedom isn't self-empowerment, self-determination, or even self-control. The key is being connected to Jesus. Being connected to Jesus then means following Jesus -- and where He goes you are to go. You cannot be His disciple and not follow Him.

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Lord, help us to be Your disciples, (meaning) help us follow you into freedom, no longer enslaved to sin. Remind us to live with this truth that our sins have no longer enslave us, so that we no longer give them more power then they should have. Amen.