February 7, 2025

Discipleship Point

Galatians 5:18

18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.

Pondering Point

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YIELDING TO THE HOLY SPIRIT: In seeking to grow as disciples of Jesus, we talk of three crucial components God uses to bring about spiritual growth: His Word, His Spirit, and His people. Today we bring to mind the second part of that list. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would remind His disciples of what He taught; That Spirit helps us too. Below is an opening prayer reminding you to yield to the Holy Spirit in both your devotions and in life itself.

Discipleship Prayer

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Spirit of God, You are my primary teacher of God’s Word; I yield my heart and mind, my soul and spirit, my will and imagination to You as I immerse myself in the Word during these dedicated moments. Teach me in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Psalm 119:129-136

  1. Your statutes are wonderful;
    therefore I obey them.
  2. The unfolding of your words gives light;
    it gives understanding to the simple.
  3. I open my mouth and pant,
    longing for your commands.
  4. Turn to me and have mercy on me,
    as you always do to those who love your name.
  5. Direct my footsteps according to your word;
    let no sin rule over me.
  6. Redeem me from human oppression,
    that I may obey your precepts.
  7. Make your face shine on your servant
    and teach me your decrees.
  8. Streams of tears flow from my eyes,
    for your law is not obeyed.

Read the versus of the Psalm. 

Mark the words or phrases that catch your attention. 

Meditate: talk (or better, write) with God about those words. Ask him to impress things upon your heart and mind; expect responses.

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Teaching or Command of God

James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. 

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The Promise

Isaiah 25:8

He will swallow up death forever. The Sovereign Lord will wipe away the tears from all faces; he
will remove his people’s disgrace from all the earth

Pondering Point

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Does it bother you when God’s Word and ways are not respected or obeyed? What might God take issue with you concerning obedience to His Word?

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