Friday's Bit of Discipleship
The prideful soul can be successful - at all the things that ultimately do not matter. He will have no success where it really counts... What is missing in his life is the power of humility. While humility sounds like an anemic word to some, in reality it unleashes divine power that can raise us to life on a new and higher plane.
p.157, The Prideful Soul’s Guide to Humility, Fontenot/Jones
Humility Prayer
Father God, I want any successes I experience to come with Your approval rather than without. I’d rather be less successful and more honorable in Your eyes than more successful and less honorable before You. Let humility lead the way as I learn to follow Your Spirit even in success. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Discipleship Point
About Sharing the Wealth
What is our role in discipling others? Discipling is the process of allowing God to use us to be a part of helping another disciple to grow. A sign of our maturity is the desire to pass on the "wealth" to the next generation (Disc. Essentials, Ogden, p. 214).
Discipleship Prayer
Father God, I know that there is much more ‘wealth’ in life than merely money. Remind me to take opportunity to invest my God-given wealth into others, be it money, experience, position, relational capital, or other things. May everything that I have and manage be run through the discipleship way of life You desire. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Is your life about
Wealth for God
Wealth for a god?