August 16, 2024

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Friday's Bit of Discipleship

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If you have any hope of discipling someone to Christ, you must be sure that they find you approachable and that they feel free to share anything with you, even something they see in your life that needs attention. If spiritual leaders do not have men and women around them willing to tell them the truth and if they do not welcome such truth, the very life of the church is endangered.
p. 88,89, The Prideful Soul’s Guide to Humility, Fontenot/Jones

Humility Prayer

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Father God, help me learn to be attentive to others’ situations and to be approachable as a friend or spiritual mentor. Show me how to be honest and compassionate. Open my eyes even now to what I have previously overlooked…
(pause and listen for a response as He may bring people to mind. Consider if there may be action you could pursue with these people…)


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Discipleship Point

About Love

What is the authenticating mark to the unbelieving world that we are followers of Jesus Christ? Sacrificial love as exemplified in Jesus’ voluntary death on the cross is to be reflected in the way Christians relate to each other. This kind of love is so out of step with the world's way that unbelievers will take notice (Discipleship Essentials, Ogden, p. 147).


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Father God, let my love be a sacrificial, others-first type of love: Patient and kind, without envy, boasting, or pride. May my love be indiscriminate, shared willingly with all people. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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