June 13, 2024

Prayerfully Re-Center around God

2 Kings 20:3

"Remember, Lord, how I have walked before you faithfully and with wholehearted devotion and have done what is good in your eyes.” And Hezekiah wept bitterly. 

Pondering Point

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If you don’t know why King Hezekiah is weeping bitterly in this prayer, take time to read 2 Kings 20. It is the Scripture story for this week. Do you wonder how you might respond if approached with such words? Hezekiah’s reaction contains some bold words of prayer – and God’s answer will be very bold as well. Hezekiah saw his dependence upon God. And with INDEPENDENCE DAY next month for the U.S., this king’s story reminds us that even daily breath is a gift from God. So while we celebrate independence soon as a country, we disciples celebrate DEPENDENCE ON GOD daily. Let’s review in light of this:

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Do you view yourself as an independent or dependent person? Do you relate to God as a dependent person or seeking to be independent?

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Repent if Necessary

On one hand it is easy to live as if God is nonexistent. Many people do. On another hand no one lives without God's gift of life, including one’s very breath. Repentance is be in order if you have failed to acknowledge God as your life source. Have you been negligent in this? If so repent.

Return (as necessary)

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As an act of returning to God, make a list of ways you are dependent on God. You could make a list in 30 seconds or 30 minutes. You choose. This is your prayer prompt for the day. If you are led to sing songs of praise because you are happy to be alive that would line up perfectly with yesterday's devotion to sing songs of praise.

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