June 7, 2024

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Friday's Bit of Discipleship

What is a healthy soul? It is one permeated with humility. It is a soul free of pride. Pride is a soul pollutant. Pride prevents the soul from communing with God - the One who gives life and wholeness to the soul. Pride keeps the soul from communing with other souls and stops relationships that give richness to life. When the soul is humble, it can soar. It can stand in awe of God and see clearly the miracles of His grace. The humble soul is free to be grateful and free to give praise. When the soul is humble, it can hear clearly the voice of God and understand His will.
p.163, Prideful Soul’s Guide to Humility, Fontenot/Jones
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Humility Prayer

Lord God, grant me a healthy soul.

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Discipleship Point on Loving God
with your Soul:

Learning to pray unceasingly. A common description for prayer uses the thought of “conversation with God.” Most people’s idea of prayer focuses primarily on one side of such a conversation, talking to God or at God. The listening side – God communicating to us – is a less acknowledged part of prayer “conversation.”

Consider this short definition from Ralph Martin instead: Prayer is, at root, simply paying attention to God (Fulfillment of All Desire, p. 121).

Such a definition can help us follow the Apostle Paul’s teaching to Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17) and Pray in the Spirit at all times (Ephesians 6:18).

Let’s pray for that now.

Discipleship Prayer

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Father God, I desire to keep paying attention to You that I may pray in the Spirit at all times, becoming unceasing in my life of prayer. In Jesus’ name ask this continual conversation to flow...

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