May 29, 2024

Biblical Teachings on Prayer

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Matthew 6:6

When you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
~ Jesus

Pondering Point

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We are not praying to impress men, nor do we need to sneak off to a closet and kneel amid high-heeled shoes and belts. The idea is to connect with God minus the competing awareness that others may be watching. Not being seen by others, we are not divided in self-conscious thoughts. By the way, this does not abolish praying in front of others. Jesus did so himself – and encourages his disciples to pray together as well. What it means is to keep your motives singular and godly.

Prayer Prompt

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Move away from those you might desire to impress or who might curiously peer in and start praying. While those people can’t see you, God Himself is watching and ready to reward you seeking after him.

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