November 15, 2023

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Week Three’s Reading assignment is pages 25-31 of Joyful Journey.

Chris Coursey writes with Marcus Warner,

“As Christians, we believe God wired us for joy and that He desires to share joy with us.”
~ page 179, The 4 Habits

They then quote John 15:11-12:

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John 15:11-12

These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.

“These things” referenced by Jesus most likely connect to the teachings of that evening, but particularly the role of abiding in Jesus. This is a good verse to connect to the next quote:

From the Joyful Journey book:
We cannot share all of ourselves or listen to everything God would share in one sitting. A vibrant relationship requires on-going interactions. Practically speaking, even in human relationships such as marriage, we have misunderstandings and must come back and ask clarifying questions. That is how relationships grow and work, even with God. God works with our ability to understand. Sometimes He allows us to have supernatural insight into situations, but often we become more attuned to God as we grow and mature.
~ page 20, Joyful Journey, Wilder, Kang, Loppnow, Loppnow

Session A: We continue revisiting joyful memories recorded on your Golden Moments list. Look for God’s presence in the joys. Invite Him to share thoughts about joys you’re recalling. Again, notice body sensations, attitudes, heart rate, etc.

Journal Prompt:  

Practice seeing God in the present and past joys.


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Key Words:  

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[Jesus thought] I want you to hear Me speaking to you about My joy being in you, and having you be full of joy. It flows so well when you receive love from Me and love others as I have loved you.

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I give everyone and everything to You God;
I give everyone and everything to You.

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Afternoon Session

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John 17:13

(Jesus praying to the Father) But now I am coming to you, and these things I speak in the world, that they may have my joy fulfilled in themselves.

Session B: Thought Rhyming as Immanuel Journaling:
Take one or two of your joys from today (or your list) and envision God responding with one or two sentence “thoughts” in the following areas: 

Journal Prompt:  

I see you,
I hear you,
I understand you,
I am glad to be with you,
I can do something about your situation.


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Key Words:  

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[Jesus] Come to Us in prayer, interact with Us and be filled with joy among Us. You too can speak of Our love to the world.

Most of the problems we have in understanding joy come when we miss the important role relationships play in
creating it. Not all pleasure is relational. But all joy is relational. Whether we feel that joy by remembering the past, anticipating the future, or experiencing the present, there is a relational component to joy and it is that relational component that separates a mere pleasure from real joy.
~ page 35, The 4 Habits, Warner, Coursey
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Evening Session

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Philippians 3:1

Finally, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you is no trouble to me – and is a safeguard for you.

It is curious to see the Apostle Paul using the term safeguard about joy, calling disciples to “rejoice in the Lord” as a form of protection. Look at the following contrast:

The alternative to joy is fear, and a fear-fueled brain is not a pretty thing. When fear runs our brain, we learn to “fear map” our world. We amplify pain and live waiting for the other shoe to drop. When our brain learns to run on joy, we still have problems to solve, but our brain becomes trained to understand that problems aren’t the end of the world. As
long as my brain knows it can get back to a place of peace, it will naturally be less anxious. We don’t fret when the sun is setting because we know it will return in the morning.
~ page 10, The 4 Habits, Warner, Coursey

Session C: Reflecting with Interactive Gratitude:
Spend five minutes reflecting on the day or week. 

Journal Prompt:  

Journal a sentence about what you are grateful for and then write down how Jesus might respond.


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Key Words:  

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[Jesus] See how Paul urges you to take joy in Me? Deepen this habit as you now know that it is healthy for you spiritually, physically, and relationally.

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I give everyone and everything to You God;
I give everyone and everything to You.

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