November 11, 2023

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Psalm 51:8

Let me hear joy and gladness;
let the bones that you have broken rejoice.

We arrive at a new category known as Repentant Joy. It is a joy King David craved in the aftermath of his long journey of compounding sinful choices. Psalm 51 portrays his desire to return to a Joyful Journey with His God. Don’t you crave to “hear” the voice of joy from God rather than condemnation? Most of us know the difference in voice tone between joy and disappointment don’t we?!

Joyful Journey talks about a new normal that results from the daily practice of joy building: Here is the second step:

From the Joyful Journey book:
Creating a new normal, Step 2.
The second step toward a new normal is learning to sustain the feeling of appreciation until I can feel appreciation for five straight minutes. To do this, I use the interactive gratitude exercise to collect a series of appreciation experiences and memories by giving them names like island sunrise, morning coffee, Fido at lake, Julie's birthday. Now I can keep my appreciation going longer by remembering one appreciation experience after another. When I can do this for 5 minutes, my brain realizes that I can feel this as long as I like.
~ page 64, Joyful Journey, Wilder, Kang, Loppnow, Loppnow

Session A: Revisit joy memories from your Golden Moments. Look for God’s presence in them. Invite Him to share thoughts about the joy you’re recalling. Notice body sensations, attitudes, heart rate, etc. Consider recording His thoughts

Journal Prompt:  

Practice seeing God in the present and past joys:


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Key Words:  

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Thank You for the reminder that there is joy on the other side of repentance. Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones that You break rejoice. Amen.

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Afternoon Session

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Psalm 51:12

Restore to me the joy of your salvation,
and uphold me with a willing spirit.

This is a follow-up to the morning session of repentant joy: We find David continuing his conversation with God in prayer:

From the Joyful Journey book:
Many of us have been rightfully taught that prayer is conversation with God. Interactive gratitude is a form of prayer, thus it is also a conversation with God. This sounds simple. Why then do many of us only engage in a monologue with God and not a true conversation? We tell Him our thoughts but we don't listen for His response and miss the blessed opportunity for intimacy with Him. Intimacy with God is why it is so important for us to learn to listen for God's response.
~ page 18, Joyful Journey, Wilder, Kang, Loppnow, Loppnow
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The Joyful Journey book teaches about interactive gratitude and thought rhyming. For today’s Session B focus, you are dwelling with joy on the fourth of five thoughts from God, in this instance drawn from bible verses. They are adapted into language of God speaking to you. It will lay groundwork for later use of these insights to help us synchronize with God.


Isaiah 41:10a

  1. Fear not, for I am with you;
    be not dismayed, for I am your God;

Journal Prompt:  

Dwell with joy on the fourth of five thoughts from God, "I Am With You".


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Key Words:  

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Even after we have fallen, we do not need to be dismayed, for God welcomes us as His own children, beloved in Jesus. Try to hear God speaking these words below:

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My child, let me restore you to the joy of My salvation,
Humble yourself and I will uphold you and endow you with a spirit willing and able to honor Me in your life.

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I give everyone and everything to You God;
I give everyone and everything to You.

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Evening Session

From the Joyful Journey book:
Based upon the positive effect of gratitude in fostering connections in relationships we develop a skill called "interactive gratitude." There are two parts in interactive gratitude. First, we give thanks to God; second, we slow down to perceive how God responds to our gratitude. We will learn interactive gratitude by journaling. This interactive writing time allows us to build and strengthen iSight. It is important to understand that the interaction between God and us is the defining difference between interactive gratitude and what we commonly consider as appreciation or giving thanks.
~ page 17, Joyful Journey, Wilder, Kang, Loppnow, Loppnow
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Psalm 71:23

My lips will shout for joy, when I sing praises to you;
my soul also, which you have redeemed.


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My lips Father, forgiven and freed up, will shout for joy as I sing praises to You; my soul, loosed and light, again celebrate my redemption in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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