November 3, 2023

Day 3 of Finding Joy in the Journey

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James 1:2-4

Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

“The Big Six”

Session A: We have a new designation category and icon titled Returning to Joy. At times we get stuck in negative states, moods, or emotions. Returning to joy, especially through relationships, helps us regulate feelings known as the “Big Six” emotions: shame, anger, disgust, sadness, anxiety/fear, and despair.

Me, my identity, is ultimately shaped by who I love and what pain I avoid. Love and the pain I avoid often compete within me to see whether my love or my fear of pain is stronger. As Christians we know "God is love" (1 John 4:8) and "perfect love casts out fear" (1 John 4:18) but knowing this has little effect on our daily lives. Worrying whether someone will be angry with us often “casts out” our loving thoughts. What if we can show you how to interact with God in a way that is absolutely intimate and powerful and changes your life from the inside out? This process can be learned in a few minutes and most people experience changes from the first time they practice it.
p. 2, JJ, WKLL

Journal Prompt:  
Joyful accomplishments/achievements,
part one:

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Key Words:  

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Jesus, remind me to pursue joy, especially with You. When I encounter various trials, knowing that as my faith is being tested, use them to produce endurance for my journey – keeping it a joyful journey[Finish this devotion with your own prayer.]    

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…And let Me build an endurance within you that will make you complete in My eyes, lacking nothing.
[Amen to that!]

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Afternoon Session

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1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Always be joyful. Always keep on praying. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.

“Joy helps you endure hardship well. Joy gives us the strength to deal with emotional pain. The idea of living with joy doesn’t mean that we don’t suffer or feel emotional pain. It doesn’t even mean that we get past our emotional pain quickly. It means that despite the emotional pain we have, we can still find relational joy in the midst of the hard stuff.”
p. 10, The 4 Habits, Warner, Coursey

Session B: Remember, you can share your joy stories with others for your 5 minutes. It builds community and spreads the joy.

Journal Prompt:  
Joyful accomplishments/achievements,
part two:

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Key Words:  

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Oh Jesus, I want these traits in my life that the Apostle Paul describes: to always be joyful, always prayerful. And no matter what happens, always thankful.

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Yes My child, this is My will for you – and for all who belong to Me. Let’s keep journeying together.

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Evening Session

“Joy is the key to emotional resilience. It is like the air in the ball that lets it bounce. Let’s face it. No one goes to counseling because they have too much joy and need to get rid of some of it.”
p. 20, The 4 Habits, Warner, Coursey

Session C: Before your official 5-minute window, take a moment to focus on gratitude. Dwell on a thing or person you appreciated today. Then move into your joyful memories time. Finish with worship joy toward God.

Journal Prompt:  
of loved ones that brought you joy:

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Key Words:  

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Psalm 100:1 ESV

A Psalm for giving thanks.
Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!


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Lord Jesus, Immanuel, I borrow the words from this hundredth psalm to give You thanks with a joyful noise!
Let my words rise before You like incense. Amen.

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I give everyone and everything to You God;
I give everyone and everything to You.

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