October 22, 2023

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Sunday's One
Another Commands

Encourage one another

Hebrews 3:13

But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. 

Pondering Point

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The command is to encourage one another, but see behind it a second facet -- a willingness to pray for those who need the encouragement. In line with the theme of temptation, it's good to know that you have brothers or sisters praying for you to not be “hardened by sins deceitfulness.” Who is it that prays for you? And – Who are you praying for that they might not be hardened by sin's deceitfulness? Who could really benefit from your prayer life over their tempted life? Now, pray -- or at the minimum, pray soon.

Ponder these four questions with God now (and eventually with a group of others):

  1. Who encouraged me above themselves this past week? Thank God.
  2. Who discouraged me this past week? Forgive and pray for them.
  3. Whom did I fail to encourage this past week? Seek forgiveness.
  4. Whom did I encourage this past week? Praise God for that.


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Consider where you have been lax about your sinful choices or attitudes. Then consider to whom you could confess your secret sins (to hear forgiveness and to lessen the dominance of such sins over you). Ask God for courage to confront your sin head on – and don’t let sin deceive you minimizing it potency to ruin lives.

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