September 17, 2023

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Sunday's One
Another Commands

Carry each other’s burdens

Galatians 6:2

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

Pondering Point

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Our one another teaching this week is to carry one another's burdens. In doing so we carry out God's will. This could range from carrying physical luggage to emotional baggage, from mental anguish to spiritual battles. We all could use that kind of help at times if not daily. And while each of us is responsible for answering for our own lives, we don’t have to go it alone. And for Christ's sake (and I write that intentionally!) let others help you carry your burdens – it enables them to fulfill the law of Christ – and you benefit too!

Ponder these four questions with God now
(and eventually a group of others)

  1. Who helped carry your burdens this past week? Thank God.
  2. Did anyone deny you help this week? Forgive/pray for them.
  3. Whom did you neglect to help burden-wise? Seek forgiveness.
  4. Whose burdens did you help carry? Praise God for faithfulness.


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Ask God for godly burden bearers in your life. Ask Him whom you could help by becoming or continuing to be a burden-bearer. Ask for strength to bear those burdens under His strength.

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