July 23, 2023

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Sunday's One
Another Commands

Mutually Encourage Each Other

Romans 1:11-12

I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong— that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.
~ The Apostle Paul

Pondering Point

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I found wisdom and encouragement from a YouVersion devotion posted via a friend on Facebook. Maybe you can find encouragement in it also:

Too often we only pray when we need or want something from
God – which is understandable considering the English word
“pray” means “ask” or “beg”. But the Hebrew word for prayer
(tefillah) means to “self-evaluate.” To the Jews of Biblical times,
prayer was not merely a time when to ask God for things; it was
a time when they examined themselves. They would use prayer
as a way to compare their actions, behaviors and attitudes in
relation to God’s will and His holiness.

With this week’s theme revolving around praying with and for each other, it makes sense to mutually encourage one another to pray – in this case meaning to prayerfully examine ourselves in light of God’s Word and His ways. Hopefully this meditation time leads us to make adjustments – known as acts of repentance – that better reflect His will.

Prayer Prompt for the Day

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Prayerfully examine yourself in light of God’s Word and His ways. After completing this time for yourself, pray for others (“armor bearers,” other friends, family) whom you could encourage to do the same. You might even share with them your experience of reflecting with God

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