June 22, 2023

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Discipleship Response

Missionary Proclaimer

1 Peter 3:15

In your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect…

• In Christ, I am a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in me, and I will I will honor God with my body.

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Pondering Point

The proclaiming of God’s mission is affected not just by our words, but through every action being witnessed by those connected to our lives. Based on this scripture, our words and actions are to be full of gentleness and respect – not because those around us merit the respect, but because we revere Jesus as Lord. And “for Christ’s sake,” there should be some hope radiating from your life, apparent enough that people notice and are drawn to ask about it. Let’s review our lives in light of these words.

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Does your approach to life exude hope? Are you prepared to give an answer to anyone who asks you about your hope? Does your reverence for Jesus Christ cause you to treat all people respectfully and gently?

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Repent if Necessary

Repent of any lack of reverence toward Jesus which bleeds into a lack of gentleness and respect toward others. You may also need to repent of being unprepared to share the reason for your hope in Jesus.

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Return as Necessary

Pray aloud to God about the hope you have related to Him (it is good practice for sharing with others). Consider including comments about your sin, Jesus' death for sin and why Christians have hope because of this.

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Prayer for the Day

[Insert your own prayer about today's devotion.]

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