One Another Commands
Don’t be destroyed by one another
Galatians 5:15
If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.

Pondering Point
Anyone who has been in a family has heard biting words shared along the way. Even so, we don’t let such interaction to define how we relate to one another.
We want those to be the exception in our homes – and that goes for relating with God’s family as well. If this has been the case, seek forgiveness from God, from those who were hurt by your words, and from those who witnessed any harmful exchanges. Seriously!
Prayer for the Day

Father God, help us keep a tight rein on our tongues and not lash out at each other. Let our mouths be used to build others up, not tear people down. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

In discussing silence: Here's what I mean by internal noise: the mental chatter that just never shuts up. The running commentary in our heads on everything. The replaying of a lousy conversation with a friend over and over again. Our lustful thoughts for the girl or guy down the street. Our fantasies. And not just sexual; our revenge fantasies - imagining saying this or doing that to our enemies of choice. Our worry - the chipping away at our joy and peace with the hammer of “what if?” The obsessing over hypothetical scenarios, role-playing the future, catastrophizing. Idealizing. Dreaming of the perfect life, which in turn poisons our actual lives.
~ J.M. Comer, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, pp. 132, 133