February 14, 2023

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Wellspring of Joy

John 6:37,44,65

All those the Father gives me will come to me,
and whoever comes to me I will never drive away…
No one can come to me unless the Father draws them…
no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled them.

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Pondering Point

Did you hear Jesus call you a gift in the verses above? You have been given from the Father to the Son – you are indeed a gift of God! The same God who gives you to Jesus enables you to always come to Him no matter what. The good news on top of that is that Jesus will never drive you away. Given some of the poor choices we humans have been known to make, it is good to know that Jesus receives all who come to Him. Since this includes you and me, don’t be afraid of being rejected because of your failures, sins, or shortcomings. The death of Jesus on the cross atones for those sins and the life of Jesus fills you with life that overcomes even our greatest troubles.

Prayer for the Day

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Father God, Thank You for gifting me to Jesus Christ my Lord. Jesus – thank You for receiving me as a gift from Your Father and taking care of me as Your own, forgiving me my sins, cleansing me and calling me Your own. Thank You for taking care of me like You do the birds of the air and the lilies of the field. I love knowing that I am cherished by You. Amen.

Bible Project

See a presentaton from The BibleProject: Understanding poetic metaphor used by the biblical authors to communicate complex ideas will help us read biblical poetry with more insight.

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