February 4, 2023

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One Another Commands

Wash one another’s feet

John 13:14

Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.
~ Jesus

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Pondering Point

While Jesus says wash one another's feet, we don't wash feet so that we can claim to be humble, Jesus-like people. Washing feet in itself does not make one humble or Jesus-like.

A person can repeat Jesus' actions and still be the antithesis of the Jesus-Spirit and intent. Both before and after He washed the disciples’ feet, Jesus was humble. His footwashing example was one way in which He practiced it.

How do you practice humility?

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Prayer Prompt for the Day

Lord, help us be humble before you and before others. And help us practice our humility not for our sake or reputation, but simply for the benefit of others. In Jesus' name, amen.

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