November 9, 2022

Prayerfully Re-Center Around God

2 Corinthians 13:7

Now we pray to God that you will not do anything wrong—not so that people will see that we have stood the test but so that you will do what is right even though we may seem to have failed.
~ Apostle Paul

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Pondering Point

This is a very basic prayer; simple, but hardly easy: We pray to God that you will not do anything wrong. At the time, the Apostle Paul was encouraging his listeners to perform a self-examination relating to their faith and actions. For the marriage vows week, it is a deeper challenge yet. Many put on their best face in public, allowing the worst to come out at home. Let’s move into a time of self-examination and then prayerfully re-center around God and His will concerning our marriage and home life.

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Review the Week

What are you “doing wrong?” (Notice you are not being asked about what your spouse is doing wrong.) What would God point out? Would he mention listening, respect, kindness, impatience? What might your spouse say you are doing wrong?

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Repent (if necessary)

Ask God to give you patience to listen and wisdom to discern the error of your ways. Give Him permission to search your heart and reveal areas that need attention. Then confess your sins as necessary.

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Return (as necessary)

Having humbly confessed your sins relating to your marriage, ask God to lead you in His ways for marriage, with His love, His everlasting love, setting the tone.

Psalm 139:23-24

  1. Search me, God, and know my heart;
    test me and know my anxious thoughts.
  2. See if there is any offensive way in me,
    and lead me in the way everlasting.

My Gratitude Journal

NOT Any Given Sunday: Another Life-Altering Conversation

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Superbowl Sundays are not Any Given Sunday. This one involves Dan and Andi Reichard and one of their “DanDi Dining” events, a long-running “Stupor Bowl” they host. I made the cut and scored an invite (finally!), so I graced them with my presence. Unbeknownst to me, there was another new invitee present: The Revelations Dr Peter Meier, recently called to serve the FL-GA District as Executive Director of Outreach and Missions. After a pre-game devotion by Dan, a post-devotion prayer by me about Small Group life in Lake Nona, Peter made his way over to talk. He looked like a regular guy, clad in his Green Bay Packers jersey, wishing he could root for the Pack (who found themselves watching from someone’s home too). Conversation flowed so freely. Neither of us knew that a deep friendship was beginning to form over a forgettable Chiefs-49ers game. We both appreciated the evening. Each of us walked out with more money than we walked in with. But really, both of us walked out with a friendship that we had not walked in with. That was the true joy! For sure! And as Peter says, it all started with an invite! Thanks Dan. And thank You God!

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