October 19, 2022

Prayerfully Re-Center Around God

1 Kings 3:9a

So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?
~ King Solomon

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Pondering Point

Solomon’s ‘great people’ are part of the Israelite kingdom he inherits from His father David. You are being encouraged to adopt this prayer and adapt it for your family life. As we take time to Prayerfully Re-Center around God, consider how you are called live in your families – whether as one governing or being governed. Keep in mind that there is often more than one family you take part in – some close and some quite distant, both physically and metaphorically.

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Review the Week

Who does the governing (or leading) in your family? Who are the ‘great people’ of God in your family being governed? Could you be more respectful to those you are tied to family-wise? Do you make it difficult or easy for those in your family? Do you practice forgiveness and grace?

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Repent (if necessary)

Confess any less-than-cooperative attitudes, whether as leader or follower. Repent of any disrespect to or provoking of others, and any hostility or contempt toward family.

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Return (as necessary)

After confessing your own sins, forgive those who have sinned against you. Then pray about being an effective and godly influence in your family environment, and for all of your family submitting to the will and ways of God.

Definition of govern:
Transitive verb: 3a: to control, direct, or strongly influence the actions and conduct of; 3b: to exert a determining or guiding influence in or over
Intransitive verb: 1: to prevail or have decisive influence; 2: to exercise authority

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