September 21, 2022

Prayerfully Re-Center Around God

Matthew 6:9-13

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one. 

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Pondering Point

In a year of immersing ourselves in praying the prayers of scripture, this is an automatic inclusion. For our ‘Prayerful Re-centering around God,’ we are focusing on the petition Give us today our daily bread.

Often Christians share of prayer of thanks at mealtimes. Here’s one:

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Bless us Lord for these gifts which we are about to receive from Thy bounty. Help us be mindful of all our blessings as well as the needs of those who have less. Amen.

The reason I highlight it for our devotions is that it keeps an eye on other’s needs -- and hopefully helps address them as we are able.

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Review the Week

Do you see your finances as belonging to God? Do you ask of God for specific blessings in order to give to others? Do you have a financial vision? – And is it part of your life of discipleship intended to honor God?

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Repent (if necessary)

... over selfishness that has not looked to help others with your God-given resources. Repent over a poverty-mindset that never asks for more than is needed for self and family. Repent for not employing a godly financial vision.

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Return (as necessary)

Pray the Lord’s Prayer but pause at “Give us today our daily bread.” Dedicate anew (or for the first time) your finances to God for work in His kingdom. Ask for insight from His Holy Spirit about how to orient your life to live out a godly financial vision. When that is done, finish the Lord’s Prayer and anticipate answers from God as you move forward.

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