August 24, 2022

Prayerfully Re-Center Around God

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Pondering Point

There is another identifiable MG/SG (micro-group / small-group) that Jesus was a part of: His birth family. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, known as the Holy Family, are His initial MG (as a human) – which also happened to be God-centered.

As we prepare to ponder Jesus’ family of origin, pause to think about yours for a minute or two. Use the next page to describe in words and/or pictures your family of origin. Include the who, when and where of your family growing up.

Be prepared to share what you created with a MG or SG of people.

Journal Prompt:  
What is your family of origin?

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Jesus' Family of Origin

What, if anything, do you recall about the early life of Jesus? Where did He live? (Bethlehem, Egypt, Nazareth) How might you depict His family of origin? What similarities and what differences exist between His family of origin situation and yours?

We noted earlier this week that Micro-Groups come in a variety of packages. Some you're born into, some you marry into or move into. Regardless of how they come together initially, can you envision that God desires to be part of them? Let’s review which of our MGs are or could be Spirit-led as God desires.

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Review the Week

Which MGs in my life (pockets of 2-4 people) are centered around God? In which ones is God welcome in terms of conversation, influence, or activities? Which ones could include God but have not been given much attention in this way?

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Repent (if necessary)

... of leaving God on the sidelines of certain relationships, of neglecting to acknowledge God's ways or avoiding conversations that revolve around God.

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Return (as necessary)

... by praying for comfortableness to bring God into particular MG relationships, boldness to testify of His place and influence in your life, and openness to approach others about adding a spiritual component to some of your existing MGs. the prayer below is worded to do just that.


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Father God, I desire to be comfortable bringing You into the pockets of micro-relationships within my life. I pray for boldness to testify of Your place and influence in my life -- and that You would be central to all of my life, relationships included. Where the time is right, help me be open to approaching others about adding a spiritual component an existing MG. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

This is the first week of the Micro-Group lessons.  

Click here to jump back to Monday's lesson in order to start at the beginning.

Use the Tomorrow button on each page to navigate to the next devotion.

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