August 14, 2022

Disciples love their neighbors as they love themselves by making disciples as they go about life

In an act of love, Jesus told His original disciples to make more disciples as they were going out into the world. The authority behind their going is that of Jesus Himself, to whom all power and authority has been given. The making of disciples is ALWAYS to be accompanied by love – love of each other as fellow Christians (witnessed by the world) and love for our neighbor, whether Christian or not.

Your Biblical Identity in Christ

Philemon 1:6

I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we share in Christ.
~Apostle Paul

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Pondering Point

The above translation comes from the 1984 NIV. It highlights Philemon in a role of discipling others. He is not just being challenged to share his faith but practice it also. Philemon was a church leader, further enhancing the impact of his actions as a follower of Jesus.

The challenge from Paul is to receive a runaway slave as a now-free brother in Christ. That slave, Onesimus, had run away from Philemon, the man to whom he was indebted.

Talk about being challenged to put your faith where your life is!?! What would Philemon do? Eyes are on this disciple of Jesus. But Onesimus returning to Philemon was also a huge exercise of faith and trust. Eyes are on this disciple as well. It seems the Apostle Paul expected both disciples of Jesus to put their faith and love into action.

Every decision we make reflects the influence of our faith in God. Your actions indicate either a faith that transforms or one that does not. All we do as disciples of Jesus impacts those around us. Are you impacting others with faith-in-action or faith-less-action?

• In Christ, I am a disciple of Jesus, baptized and being taught to obey everything Jesus commanded. I rejoice that He is with me always – to the very end of the age.

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Father God, I need Your Spirit to lead me to express my faith in action as a disciple of Jesus. Help me love my neighbors well as an act of faith, as a faithful act. Amen.