June 30, 2022

Discipleship Point and Prayer

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"Search me, O God, and know my heart, test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." (Psalm 139:23-24)

David's prayer is the right one for us as we pursue humility.

p.155, The Prideful Soul’s Guide to Humility, Fontenot/Jones

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Humility Prayer

Show me, O God, when my heart grows proud. Give me the tests that will reveal to me my pride and my arrogance. Put people in my life who will tell me the truth. Please, do not let me be deceived.

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Discipleship Point

What is the motivation
for participating in
the Missio Dei?

Today we focus on part two: How do we motivate ourselves and others to participate in the Missio Dei? That is another big question. The answer to this last Missio Dei catechism question is essential.

The devil, the world, and our flesh tempt us by trying to deceive or lure us into apathy, anarchy, disobedience, distraction, and preoccupation with self. The devil, the world, and our sinful nature would love nothing more than for Christ’s beloved to evade His call, His sending. These sin-filled three love to see members of the faith community weak and tired, to be satisfied with old mindsets and habits.

Is motivation essential for participating in the Missio Dei? Yes!...

Motivation from Christ alone moves believers to participate in His sending (mission) – His love, His work! Yes, God’s sending. What alone moves the believer is the power of the Gospel – being baptized into Christ. It is Christ’s saving relationship with His beloved children – not His directions or commands – that brings about change of heart and life. It is His love, not my love; His grace, not my gratitude; His service, not my service. (Parents, this also applies to the parent-child relationship. Pastors, this applies to the pastor-congregation relationship.)

Biblical examples of being motivated by the law include command- or need-passages. While all of these are strong and wonderful passages in the right context, it is easy to focus on the “do” that we can accomplish through them while forgetting the “done” that has already been accomplished through Christ (see Luke 14:23, Acts 16:9, Matthew 24:14, John 10:10, Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8)

The Gospel, which is centered in the sending and saving activity of Christ, moves the individual Christian and congregation to participate in Christ’s sending!

See the following Scriptures in your bible or on pp. 287-288 of The Great Sending book: John 3:16-17, John 17:2-3, John 17:18, Romans 1:16, Matthew 9:2,6, Luke 19:10, John 10:11, John 10:14, 2 Corinthians 5:18-21, John 1:29, Matthew 28:18. (For further study see the Second and Third articles, the Apostles Creed, Baptism, the Lord’s Supper, and the Office of Keys, Luther’s Small Catechism.)
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Discipleship Prayer

Father God, You are my portion; not the blessings from Your hand. Lord Jesus, You are my Savior, the One sent to save us from our sins. Holy Spirit, You are my Guarantee, not my ability to keep God’s commands. Thank You for the grace that saves me through faith in Jesus. I am ready to be a sent one in His name. Amen.