October 11, 2020

Disciples Share Jesus’ Call to
Live Sacrificially with Talents

Alongside the call to “steward” or manage our time and treasures (financial resources) is the third “T’ of talents: our abilities of both physical and spiritual gifts, not to mention to the experiences that we have picked up along life’s journey.

This is one more facet of laying it all out for God – heart and soul, body and mind

Mark 6:38

“How many loaves do you have?” he asked.
“Go and see.” When they found out, they said, “Five—and two fish.” 

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Pondering Point

When it comes to using talents and abilities to glorify God and serve him, it's not about what we can do by ourselves.

At times, it is about what we can do.

Other times, it's about what someone else has available or is capable of doing.

In our devotion for today, drawn from Jesus’ feeding of the 5000, the disciples are told to "go and see" what is available. They are to look beyond themselves to the greater group gathered. Then, with a mere five loaves and two fish, Jesus meets the needs of all present -- of course in a miraculous way.

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Father God, remind me that the gifts are in your people, and that while some of those people might not even be present at this moment, we could all could benefit from the use of their gifts too. Let your people work together as you desire.

In Jesus’ name, amen.